At night His Song is with me


“We’re in the middle of a series on spiritual dehydration and what to do when your faith feels worn out and dried up. . . Remember, we’re dissecting the three elements found in Psalm 42, verse 8: “By day the Lord commands his steadfast love / and at night his song is with me / a prayer to the God of my life.”

I don’t know about you, but I find that during phases of spiritual dehydration, the night is the hardest part of the day. It’s probably because I don’t have any activities to distract my brain; I’m forced to lie in bed and think about all the different elements that are contributing to my depression.

What should you do during these long and restless nights? The Psalmist tells us – sing!

I once was counseling a woman who was severely depressed, and she said to me, “My mind was constantly racing. I couldn’t get a hold of my thoughts or harness my emotions or even read my Bible. But the one thing that brought my soul peace was the music of the church of Jesus Christ.”

Maybe you should grab a pair of ear buds and sing silently in your head as you listen to your iPod while you struggle to sleep. Maybe you should sing aloud as you sit on the couch or clean up the house. Maybe you should gather with your small group and devote an hour to simply singing the theological truths that you normally talk about.

Whatever method you choose, sing good theology! Remind and refresh your soul through praise. God created music for the good of his people.

Especially in the darkness of spiritual dehydration and depression, light the candle of praise.

God bless

Paul David Tripp”


What are some of your favorite worship songs?

What theological truths from those songs do you need to be reminded of?

How can you incorporate song during times of spiritual dehydration?

How might you be able to minister to others through song?